Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote Question

Read the two quotes below and tell me your thoughts. Don't forget your initials.

"If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be 'meetings'."
Dave Barry

"I've searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees."
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Hint: What are the quotes IMPLYING about meetings and committees?


  1. jennifer vantilburgMarch 28, 2011 at 6:18 PM

    These quotes are implying that meetings are taking up peoples times and those people in the meetings aren't coming out and doing something positive with what they learned. JV

  2. I understand where the people that said the quotes are coming from because a lot of times its the leaders of the committees that get recognition and meetings are mostly talk and not much action. But I think sometimes you have to start with a meeting to get ideas out and a lot of the great leaders didnt do it on their own, they had a "committee" to help them. TG

  3. The quotes imply that nothing really gets accomplished at meetings and that it is really just a lot of opinions, and that nothing really gets done without the leader stepping up and doing it. I think this is true in some ways, but I think that the opinions being voiced help to get the final product as long as the leader can get the others to follow and can incorporate multiple ideas. SC

  4. The first quote implies that nothing really gets accomplished in meetings and that they are a waste of time. The second quote implies the people on committees never get recognized. JH

  5. the quotes are implying that meetings and committees are somewhat pointless because no matter how hard they try to come to an agreement or share opinions the leader or one idividual is going to end up doing mostly everything. -AM

  6. I think the first quote is saying that meetings don't allow people to reach out and achieve everything they may want to because the people in the meetings may not agree. The second quote, I think, is showing that all the people in the committee won't always get recognized, however the leader or leaders will. The "behind the scenes" people won't get all the awards. It's like movies, the actors get all the fame and glory, but the on set people don't get very much recognition. AF

  7. Gilbert K. Chesterton's quote implies that in the future, a committee is not remembered for their accomplishments but rather the leader is honored and recognized for the comittee's achievements. KS

  8. I think that the first quote is saying that people talk a lot about doing things but when it comes time to do them nobody wants to step up to the plate. I think that the second quote is saying that when someone does step up and gets everyone to join in they are the one who gets the recognition while the others don't get the publicity. JG #55

  9. i feel like both of the quotes are saying that sometimes not everyone is recognized for the things that they in meetings and in commitees. MG

  10. I think the quotes are saying that committees are hardly ever remembered for the work they put in but only the leader that gets the credit. EB

  11. I think the first quote is saying that meetings don't allow people to do all the things they want to do. I think the first quote is saying that people in the committees won't always get recognized and the people in charge will get all the fame, fortune, and glory. KH
