Monday, January 24, 2011

History is NOT a Mystery

Wow! Congrats everyone. You all did a fantastic job with the Interview Project. I was impressed with your creative questions, interesting answers, and of course --- exceptional wardrobe choices!
Remember, you don't have to be burned at the stake or win a Noble Peace Prize to be a great leader. Just be yourself and the rest will happen.

Question of the week: Of all interviewed leaders --- which LEADER (not impersonator) do you admire the most and WHY. (you MAY vote for your own)


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sorry LL kids...

OOPS ... I had us set up as a "team" blog - members only ... but since I didn't have
your email addresses I never INVITED YOU to join. I opened it up this morning to
ANYONE can post. We'll see how that goes. Sorry. TRY AGAIN! :)